Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More summer and school fun times

Brody, Dad and Tobalicious bustin a move
Boston didn't feel like dancing under the stars
Macall's first day of 5th grade at her new school, Willow Springs. She is doing great! (Phew)
Big boy's first day of Kindergarden!!
He kept waving and waving and looking back and saying goodbye over and over. It killed me. He was happy, though. Soooooo excited!

Fun times in Tahoe. July 2008

Boston with his pit crew
Brody, Luke and Boss in the dream tree house. (Running water, furniture, freezer, etc.) Dancing in the forest
The dance floor was outside under the stars


Macall's hot new haircut!
Madison's "jr. high kickoff" party with all her friends!

My baby's first year at camp!
I guess I get to go with her next year. Be careful what you wish for!!!!!
Boston LOVED the go-cart at Lake Tahoe. He thought he was so hot.

Boston's first day of preschool! 9/2/08